User Segmentation For Software Products (SaaS) and How It Can Help

User segmentation is a common strategy used by software companies to group their users based on their behavior, characteristics, and needs. The goal of user segmentation is to gain a deeper understanding of the diverse types of users a company serves, allowing for the provision of personalized and targeted products and services. In this article, we’ll delve into the advantages of user segmentation, specifically for Software as a Service (SaaS) products.

What is User Segmentation?

User segmentation is the practice of dividing a company’s user base into smaller groups based on specific criteria. The criteria used can vary depending on the company’s objectives and the product or service being offered. Typical criteria for user segmentation may include demographic information such as age, gender, income, and education level, as well as behavioral data such as usage frequency, feature usage, and actions taken.

Why is User Segmentation Important for SaaS Products?

Software as a Service (SaaS) products are subscription-based software products that are hosted on the cloud and accessed via a web browser or mobile application. Due to the unique nature of SaaS products, user segmentation plays a crucial role in several areas, including:

  1. Personalization: SaaS products often offer a vast range of features and capabilities, which can be overwhelming for users. User segmentation allows SaaS companies to personalize the user experience based on each user’s individual needs and preferences. By tailoring the product to specific user segments, SaaS companies can increase user satisfaction and retention.
  2. Marketing: SaaS companies often have limited marketing budgets and resources. User segmentation allows companies to focus their marketing efforts on the most valuable user segments, rather than trying to appeal to all users at once. This can result in more efficient and effective marketing campaigns.
  3. Product Development: SaaS companies are continually iterating and enhancing their products. User segmentation provides valuable insights into how different user segments use the product and what features they value most. This information can be used to prioritize product development efforts and ensure that the product is meeting the needs of its users.
  4. Pricing: SaaS companies often offer tiered pricing plans based on the number of users, features, or usage levels. User segmentation can help companies understand which user segments are willing to pay more for specific features or levels of service, which can inform pricing strategy.

Types of User Segmentation

There are numerous methods of segmenting users, but the most prevalent types of user segmentation for SaaS products include:

  1. Demographic Segmentation: This type of segmentation entails dividing users based on demographic factors such as age, gender, income, education level, and geographic location. It is useful for identifying patterns or trends in the user base and understanding the general characteristics of the audience.
  2. Behavioral Segmentation: This method involves segmenting users based on their actions and behaviors within the product. For example, users can be segmented based on how frequently they use the product, what features they use, and what actions they take. It provides insights into how users are using the product and what features or areas of the product are most valuable to them.
  3. Psychographic Segmentation: This type of segmentation involves segmenting users based on their personality traits, values, and lifestyle. It is useful for understanding users’ motivations and preferences, which can inform product development and marketing strategy.
  4. Firmographic Segmentation: This segmentation approach involves dividing users based on the characteristics of their organization or company. For instance, users can be segmented based on the size of their company, the industry they operate in, and their job title. It is helpful for understanding the needs and priorities of different types of companies and users.

How to Implement User Segmentation for SaaS Products

Implementing user segmentation for SaaS products involves several key steps:

  1. Define The Segmentation Criteria: The first step is to define the criteria for segmenting users based on the company’s objectives and the product being offered. This could involve analyzing user data and conducting surveys or interviews to identify patterns and trends.
  2. Collect User Data: The next step is to collect user data based on the segmentation criteria. This may involve tracking user behavior within the product, collecting demographic information during the sign-up process, or conducting surveys or interviews to gather psychographic information.
  3. Analyze the Data: Once the data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This may involve using statistical analysis tools or data visualization software to identify correlations and relationships between different variables.
  4. Develop User Personas: Based on the analysis, the next step is to create user personas for each segment. User personas are fictional representations of the different types of users that a company serves. They include information about the user’s goals, motivations, behaviors, and pain points.
  5. Tailor the Product and Marketing Strategy: Finally, the company can use the user personas to tailor the product and marketing strategy to each segment. This may involve developing new features or functionality that are specifically designed for certain segments, or creating targeted marketing campaigns that speak to the needs and preferences of each segment.

Best Practices for User Segmentation

To maximize the benefits of user segmentation for SaaS products, it’s important to follow these best practices:

  1. Start with a Clear Goal: User segmentation should be driven by a clear goal, such as improving user retention or enhancing the product’s value proposition. By starting with a clear goal, companies can ensure that their segmentation efforts are focused and effective.
  2. Use Multiple Criteria: User segmentation should be based on multiple criteria, such as demographic, behavioral, and psychographic data. By using multiple criteria, companies can develop a more comprehensive understanding of their user base and create more accurate user personas.
  3. Continuously Analyze and Refine: User segmentation is an ongoing process that should be continuously analyzed and refined over time. Companies should regularly review their user data and personas to ensure that they remain accurate and up-to-date.
  4. Test and Iterate: User segmentation should be tested and iterated upon to ensure that it is effective. Companies should regularly test new features and marketing campaigns with different user segments to see what works best.
  5. Prioritize User Privacy: When collecting user data for segmentation, it’s crucial to prioritize user privacy and security. Companies should be transparent about what data they are collecting and how it will be used, and should follow best practices for data security and privacy.


User segmentation is a powerful strategy for SaaS companies to gain a better understanding of their user base and offer more personalized and targeted products and services. By dividing users into smaller segments based on demographic, behavioral, psychographic, and firmographic criteria, companies can develop more accurate user personas and tailor their product and marketing strategy to each segment. To maximize the benefits of user segmentation, companies should follow best practices such as starting with a clear goal, using multiple criteria, continuously analyzing and refining, testing and iterating, and prioritizing user privacy. By implementing these best practices, SaaS companies can leverage user segmentation to improve user satisfaction, retention, and revenue growth.

Combining User Messaging with Marketing Automation.

In the realm of email marketing, there are various strategies to entice new customers. One powerful approach is leveraging automation, utilizing specialized software to send out emails based on predetermined triggers.

Automating your email and push notification campaigns can significantly enhance efficiency by freeing up valuable time for other essential business tasks. Moreover, it provides valuable data on customer segments, helping you identify the most effective strategies for each group.

For those seeking an easy-to-use tool for user messaging and marketing, or those looking to test the waters without committing resources upfront, we highly recommend Cloudmattr – our all-in-one customer engagement platform.